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  • Writer's pictureRachel Cox

Episode 45: We Can't Do a Midwestern Accent

Check out the transcript below!

he was like oh like you guys like i don't know what i'm trying to say like are you out and about you're out and about i'm your forgotten and you you boys like i don't know i can't do accents oh hi there rachel oh you betcha oh yeah oh yeah the coach who coached them to talk like that who coached them to say these wards and talk like a north dakotan in minnesotan like that that is just you guys you i'm not looking for the best players i'm looking for the right ones like that is his accent

*intro music*

hello everybody and welcome back to our podcast sorry i just literally shouted into your ear balls yes i called them ear balls but my name is hannah and i'm rachel and this is the you talkin' to me? podcast today we are talking about miracle which up until we watched it i genuinely thought it was called miracle on ice

literally same literally same huh is there a moving miracle on ice that we don't know about or what is going on maybe it's called in real life the miracle on ice maybe i didn't look it up after that i i just assumed that i was wrong the mandela effect i think is what it's called yeah all i know is what and so i was surprised and then um i also think i had it slightly confused with the mighty ducks

same thing it's the same thing they're the because i thought i had seen it but i definitely have seen the mighty ducks and not this movie or maybe i saw part of this but i definitely have not seen this whole movie anyway i'm gonna hit you with a recap before we start spewing all of our insides at you so miracle is a movie that tells the story of the us olympic hockey team of 1980. a man named herb becomes the coach and he trains the men with a new approach he conditions the men to work as hard as they possibly can to hopefully win against the greatest team in the world the soviet union after seven months of rigorous training will the underdogs be able to take on the unbeatable team i guess we'll spoil it for you they do they do real quick um so i'm at my boyfriend's house i forgot my microphone and there are no headphones here that also have microphones so i'm so sorry about the audio uh i will do my best to either talk loudly or edit it in post but i'm so sorry please forgive me i can't be as professional as hannah i mean it's hard to be as good as me just kidding

so this movie is one of those films that i can watch multiple times because it is the last week of november and the winter olympics are coming up the first week of february and i'm already like who's having a movie night with me watching cool runnings miracle and i tanya which i've never seen i tonya but i'll update on the instagram you know what i'm feeling about it because just just look out for the winter olympics i'll be i'll be updating that that instagram for y'all but i love this film it is the structure of it just works so well i think that i look i did watch it in like three increments but that was not by choice it was by my lunch breaks and it's an over two hour movie so you can't finish it in two hour or two one hour lunch break so i watch it in three increments but it's one of those films where i could just sit and just watch the whole thing i think it's so good because it's just the change of pace and like the right amount of build up and like the b stories and just like changing who we're kind of looking at like depending on like who on the team we're gonna focus on like it's just so well done i don't know how do you feel about this hannah i was genuinely shocked that i liked it because i will be the first person to admit that i and i don't use the word hate very frequently but i hate hockey i don't i don't i like playing it in the backyard like on a rink i like playing it watching it the most boring thing i ever have ever seen and coming from north dakota or specifically grand forks where the university of north dakota is and you know it's known for hockey that's a very very unpopular opinion but yeah you get once this podcast goes live y'all uh hannah will no longer be hannah opp um just check the witness protection program because uh this will not hannah uh will no longer be here with us in fact last night my whole family went up to my uncle's suite at the ralph engelstad arena which is the big hockey place here and they all were together watching the hockey game and everyone knew not to even suggest inviting me because i no i don't want to partake in that at all thank you so the fact that i like this and would maybe even go as far as to say i loved it is like so astonishing that's the real miracle it truly is so it's not the miracle on ice like we thought it might be called it's the miracle of the movie okay well i think they just did i mean watching the games can be boring but what while i will say if i am watching a hockey game i do want like that bird's eye view type of camera but in the movie i loved the like following the puck on the ice or like just seeing people like smash each other like i liked the closer up like intense moments with the camera and with the team and everything rather than just like an above the air shot of them so i will say that that i loved um in terms of like movie magic maybe that's why i liked it because i felt like i was playing on the ice versus just observing it plus also obviously they're doing like all the most actiony shots where of course in a game there's going to be some not necessarily like down time because they're not like not playing but there's going to be moments where there's less interesting things happening you know that's just the way it's going to work out because that's how a sport would be so maybe that had something to do with it as well but i think it was shot nicely i think they had good information i think they had good actors which is kind of a fun fact of mine because most of the people in it actually weren't actors they were real hockey players really yes okay i was hoping you had looked that up because i kept forgetting too i was trying to watch both movies really quickly and i worked a ton this week and i forgot to just look that up most of the time when something's based on a true story i look up fake or the the movie versus real which i hope you did a little bit of yeah i and i can spew a few more facts on that whenever you want me to but i am so glad that they actually were like hockey players and stuff because i thought they were pretty good i don't know i thought they were too and it made it more interesting because like you could tell these people could skate and whatever so yes most of the players were hockey players not actors and then they just train them on how to act which i think was a smart approach for this film because if if you had a bunch of civilians you know just trying to get on ice for the first time and they're walking around like baby giraffe it's probably not gonna look very good for your movie yeah and but my my biggest question though for you is what did you think about herb brooks's accent did you notice it at all i was like are you oh i've i asked my dad what he thought because i knew he had seen it he loves this movie he can like quote a billion parts of it there's some cult in there which i don't remember happening and i'm gonna say it in the podcast because maybe i'm wrong maybe he's right i don't know that is also the exact same thing if i was wrong he was right maybe i'm right i don't know he said though that herb one of the quotes is like when the hockey players gets hurt and it's his ankle or something and then the guy is saying like what you want me to do go play on one leg or something or he says he's hurt and he said that's a lot further away from the heart i don't know i can't exactly remember but i swear that quote did not happen and my dad thinks it did the ankle is uh like a hell of a lot further away from the heart oh was it when like oh yeah yeah in the locker room yeah but i don't remember that quote happening so i don't know if i blacked out or what but all right mr opp i would have to say that i definitely remember a similar quote i which brings me to my thing real quick is that there's a lot of really good quotes in this movie and real quick if you did not catch our instagram live yesterday okay please go back and watch it because one we collabed with another podcast from our hometown of grand forks north dakota and they are a track and field podcast and they reviewed mcfarland usa with us but one of them knows the entire miracle coach speech by heart so you can take my word for it that he knows it and memorized it but i think you gotta go and watch that instagram live it's on our igtv page it's on our regular instagram page go watch it because i don't know i was i am still amped up because we are recording this podcast right after that live i'm still amped up so it was so good so good um but the the accent i asked my dad i said did you not notice his accent my dad said he never noticed it and i was like um is he canadian because it's definitely not north dakotan or minnesotan like it's it's definitely not our accent i know where he's supposed to be from he's supposed to be from minnesota somewhere paul st paul and um that's not how they talk okay i'm sorry but no inaccurate i think it was canadian yeah it sounded very canadian like not as bad as the fargo movie and okay i will admit though every once in a while i do sound like him with the big o the big o is the north dakotan minnesotan thing and every once in a while i can hear myself say it like that and i'm like okay okay slow it down my bad but he was every time i don't know how he got this accent so that was that it was distracting what do we think about his pants speaking of distracting you mean the plaid ones obsessed yeah and no one like talked about them as if they were weird so that makes me think that this was very normal and i loved his like like um flowy hair you know he definitely was a hockey boy i feel like i'm gonna look like him for the rest of the podcast by accident i got into it now i can't get out i can't get out i can't get out

i can't do it it's like really weird like in the back of your throat like you know like you gotta like have like a weird like okay like okay yeah we're going to find my boys for the hockey team yeah that was good you're getting there so he has those pants they're loud and proud and they're bell-bottomy and of course it's shot in the 80s

but it's like from the top up it is exactly what someone would wear today and from the waist down it's just like whoa dated painful and then you could also tell by the hockey gear they have mind you i already just stated that i don't like watching hockey i don't know i haven't watched in many many years but i still was very aware of the outdated equipment like the face mask of the goalie and his pads in general and then all their hockey sticks were wooden which is just not a thing anymore and they have these like undergarment things they wear under their outfits did you notice they're like long johns they're like these white long john outfits they probably still wear things like that i think they still wear like something underneath it but i'm not sure if it's the exact same but i like leggings or you know like those like nike or under armour legging things i bet and like compression shirts would be my guess is what they wear now not those yeah lawn john i am just watching this over again i didn't even notice the mask for the goalie being different the first time i watched it i don't know what i was paying attention to but maybe i watched it in the 80s i don't know but um when i watched it this time i was like how can he possibly see like down right like it's like it was far from his face i'm like how can he block anything that is not coming straight at his face

and man this goalie was good like he played in every game without being substituted i think or at least he played in the soviet game and the gold medal game without being substituted once and i'm i'm pretty positive i think it's it was janie i don't know his like real last name but the guy who didn't play the goalie i would be pretty mad if i was him like you make it to the olympics yes you're part of the team morale you're part of the like connection but i don't know if i was him i would not be impressed about not playing like a minute of hockey how would you feel well i have gotten missed mixed reactions from people when i bring this up

well i guess i have a mixed opinion on it because if i knew that i wasn't the best choice for the team in that moment i would feel worse about going in but at the same time i would want that opportunity to be able to go play like i would want to be like let me show the world what i got but maybe he knew and everyone else knew that like he just for sure was not the right choice for this game which you know that's a big pill to swallow but sometimes you have to admit that you aren't the best for what's happening and maybe that's just as simple as it was right but he was like at the very beginning everyone assumed he was gonna be the starter and that jimmy craig was going to be the backup and herb was like and it's like i don't know if the real herb brooks has this like sixth sense but this guy in the movie like knew that jimmy craig like was dealing with things and like this was maybe the one last thing that he could do to either feel back to normal after his mom has passed away or he wanted that one thing to really show his dad like look you can be proud of me and i'm proud of you and we're we're still together and things i don't know what it was i know that jimmy craig wouldn't take this like personality test that herb brooks forced them all to take and that was like something that herb really was like okay this guy really wants it and herb was you know doing it to get like a a sense of community basically like how do you respond in certain situations and are you a team player and things like that and whatever it was that he was looking for in his goalie he found in jimmy craig so that's great and i would love to be jimmy craig cause like damn you let in not many goals like at all the whole olympic games after being just wiped out by the soviet union a couple days before the olympics so i don't know her brooks is a magic man so on the first day of tryouts or whatever they're calling it in 30 seconds i mean it's longer than that but he already knows who he's having and he told the other coach or assistant i don't remember what his name is or what his technical role is uh i think his assistant coach and it's coach patrick yeah coach patrick and coach patrick's like um like we still have a lot of time with these guys we're gonna be looking for what we want like you can't possibly know and he's like no i have the team well and that's they're like these aren't even the best players and that's where the quote of i'm not looking for the best players i'm looking for the right ones comes up brilliant line whoever wrote that because i don't know maybe herb said it i don't have a fact checker on me right now but i just think that's a brilliant line and there was another one that oh yeah it was so herb was the bad cop coach patrick's the good cop type of situation and coach herb had done something oh so some of these boys are rivals right and they're like trying to show off and like beat each other like in tryouts and during practice and coach herb did something that really ticked them all off like got them like so mad at him and he goes maybe if they all hate him oh someone tells um i know coach patrick was like really worried about it i thought and he goes maybe if they all hate him they won't have time to hate each other well and right away he says herb says i'll be your coach not your friend and he walks away and i think when he gets them really mad it's either when he's making them do a jillion drills or it's when they find out that he's getting a guy that hasn't been here this whole training time to come and possibly play on the olympic team i can't remember which time it is but i remember it happening and yeah then they're all so mad at herb and they're like well maybe they'll like each other then and i just saw in my notes that i did write down is herb supposed to sound mid western question mark question mark question mark exactly a lot of question marks and it's the appropriate amount of question marks yeah i was like huh before we talk about anything else i just want to mention that there's a guy who was my favorite that did get cut eventually i believe he was a player from und actually um his name was ralph cox oh he wasn't the und one he wasn't the und one but he was my favorite i don't know if that's how that guy really was but i was like you're great and he had the mustache and i was like and then he's my favorite this may share a last name so i just felt something there and then he got cut and i was like no like when they're getting ready to cut him like everyone knows and they're all really sad uh and and well oh when coach herb cuts ralph you can feel the emotion because we already know at this point that herb brooks was on the olympic team until about a week before the games and so when he gets cut last minute ralph like herb knows what that feels like so this is really tough for him to do and that's the thing i like about this movie is that coach herb starts off as this like really mean like stuck in his ways like my way or the highway type of coach and you can just see him like slowly going like he loves this team he loves what he's doing like he gets we see more emotions and whatnot but dave christian is the player from the university of north dakota and they say it in the movie which i was like that's me that's us i guess i never realized that this movie was like the coach was from someone from minnesota like i just didn't realize that so that's really cool and obviously as we've already mentioned people are pretty big hockey fans around here so it's not surprising that someone from around here could coach people that went to the olympics but at the same time where rachel and i grew up it's like in the middle of nowhere so how are people talking about a place like this but once again when it comes to hockey we're we're known for hockey and flat lands and beer snow we have had quite a few people who have gone to the university of north dakota play on olympic teams we've had obviously dave christian we've had tj oshie we've got the lamoureux twins who i don't know if this is as funny to anyone else that is it as it is to me and my friends but we've had the lamoureux twins come and visit my school twice because they also went to my high school and i had them come to a cross-country event where they spoke about stuff because they both ran on the cross-country team actually and i had them come to like a breakfast for like the students of the quarter or whatever and talk and they brought their silver medals both times okay and so we they have an option to take pictures with them and they're metal but me and my two friends grace and leaf had a better idea we would go up there all these people are getting their pictures taken with them blah blah blah then we show up the three of us and we're like can you actually take a picture of us with the medal to the lamoureux twins so we like hand them our phone to take a picture of us and we would have somebody on the side taking a picture of it to like prove that like this was happening but and then we did that to them twice we did it at the cross country event and at the breakfast event so somewhere on my computer my old one where i have all of my old iphone pictures i have two photos of me leaf and grace because we were both at both events randomly which i think is hilarious holding up the silver medal and then there's a second picture of someone taking a photo of the lamoureux twins taking our photo which it's so lame but i think it's hilarious that is hilarious i love that i actually have a story related to them too one day i was just at work doing my job watching my cute little kiddo and who but the lamoureux twins walk in the front door

they they were coming to be part of what my employer does for a job and so it was just another day at work but i was like oh hello and then i kept mixing them up i didn't know who was who i mean if you don't know them personally it's gonna be hard to tell them apart because i'm pretty sure they're identical twins so anyway what was your thoughts on like the actual hockey games do you like them do you think they're too many do you think they're too few or how they've shot them etc i think that there was the right amount of hockey in there i liked the way the shots were i like that it feels i don't know if the right word would be it feels like adrenaline the whole time like it gets you amped up in fact if you would like to know they obviously had to shoot a lot because there's a lot of hockey in there there was 133 different hockey plays in the film 133 so if you need to get the plays correct obviously you're gonna have to shoot and reshoot and reshoot because they need it to be accurate and this movie according to the interwebs is the most accurate movie of actual events so which we know from cool runnings is about the most inaccurate movie of actual events so we're hitting both sides of the spectrum here i totally knew that when we went into this even though y'all were the ones that picked hockey so that's so that's so interesting yeah so obviously if you're having that many hockey plays and it's the most accurate you gotta be shooting a lot of times to get accurate which makes sense because if you're filming hockey plays and you say hey hannah hey rachel go do a

i don't know any hockey term sorry neither i was like i don't even know what to say go make a field goal go do this specific play having all the obviously field goal is football people i do know that much okay that was a joke i'm not that um dumb when it comes to hockey but i don't know much else go do a face-off i know that one you know and then someone's trying to like rip the other person's mask off that's what i'd be doing to rachel that means face off right i'm ripping rachel's face off

someone come help me this is why i moved to savannah yeah i thought that there was a lot of hockey but they split it up in a way to where when they were trying to qualify to get to the soviets we saw the first game mostly and then all the rest we saw about like one to two minutes of it and it would cut away like once they got in the lead you know then it'd be like they won seven to two and then it'd show like the interviews afterwards which i thought were funny the interviews where herb kept being interviewed and not letting them interview the players and then one of the guys is like what do you say about the people that think you're just doing this so that you can be in the spotlight and then the way they revealed it where they're like going down okay now we have from the usa team and the guy leans forward is coach patrick and the the face that the reporter makes is just like oh herb you did it once again you know and look is coach patrick as good as coach herb is at answering these questions no should coach herb be the one answering the questions most of the time yes but was the play hilarious and just show his hands again like him showing his hands of course it was hilarious it was great it was great i loved that moment and i think it was probably smart to not have your players answer questions you know it's a tactic they're gonna get cocky or they're it's gonna go to their head or they're gonna get more nervous like i did a project for my thesis about tv shows that use like educational things within their story lines and one of the shows is called scom which means shame i believe in norwegian and it's a norwegian show and they would not let the characters be interviewed or the actors be interviewed while the show was going on because the show plays out like in real time kind of there's like a clip that comes out like every day online and then on friday when the whole episode drops it just feels like you're watching these real people's lives like they cast real people of that age they make it's almost kind of boring right but it's so good like you're it's the way that it is perfect but they wouldn't let them have separate interviews during the show because they wanted the people watching the show to be invested in them like they all had instagram accounts for their characters they would be talking to real life fans over it as their characters and like interacting with them like the way this show went out was like unprecedented as still is for the time and so i think that it's it keeps up with the illusion that they're putting out not only for the audience but also keeps the people involved in the right headspace can we talk about the scene in norway after the game do you know which scene i'm talking about yes okay in norway herb's team or the usa team loses to the norwegians and i don't remember by how much i think they actually tied okay they did tie yeah you're right you're right but in herb's mind that's a loss and so after the game the other team's going off the ice everyone's leaving the arena the boys are about to head back to the locker room and herb is about to have them do drills he has them skate from one line to another line i don't know the lengths that they have to go yeah oh some people used to call this workout um suicides because they're like really hard so you go you start at the goal line and you go to the blue line and back half ring and back other blue line and back goal line and back so it's like short longer longer longer and back and sometimes you do it some people would make you do like blue line back half back other blue line black go line it back and then go backwards sometimes that's another way to do it and it's a punishment because it sucks no one enjoys doing it unless you're like the best conditioned person then you don't mind yeah i remember having to do those in basketball and i was like i'm done i hate this um but so they've just played this game they've tied which for some people they would consider that fine obviously like i already stated herb did not see that as an okay outcome of the game so he tells patrick patrick is in charge of the whistle and he says call it and patrick is looking at him like what and he's like call it he's like huh he said call it and so patrick blows the whistle and the guys start to skate and i mean they go and they go and they go and they go and they go and i don't know how long it actually was going on i did read something online that is a little less intense than the movie portrayed which obviously makes sense because as soon as the lights get shut off or something like you gotta go but he really truly did have them skating lines after the game but what what were your thoughts like did you feel like that was mean did you feel like that would be beneficial what did you think early on in the film someone says that herb does everything for a reason now do i always agree with the thing that people are doing like look someone's gonna murder someone for a reason do i agree with the fact that they murdered him even if the reason is justified not always sometimes but not always uh rachel supports murder 2022 uh vote for me but i have such a hard time with this because here's why i didn't like it in the movie they didn't get water breaks they're literally hurling and heaving on the ice it just seemed really unhealthy and kind of torturous which i understand you're punishing them and should they have done you know should they have been excited for getting a tie or whatever the thing is no but i don't seeing how in pain they all were was it just seemed unhealthy and i don't think we should be rewarding herb's behavior in this moment or or you know highlighting it as like he knew what he was doing like this is great did it put them in a like more competitive headspace probably but just because one thing leads to another doesn't make it a good and effective way i mean we saw that in the athlete a just because you know them pushing them really hard and not letting them eat and you know doing all of these like dangerous and like horrible things led to a lot of olympic gold medals doesn't mean that was a good thing do i think this is as bad or even really that related no but i didn't like how in pain they were at the end of it if they had shown a couple of water breaks bathroom breaks whatever you know maybe i wouldn't be as strict about it but that was like the one moment where i was like but it was really good climactically in the movie what are your opinions it's funny i don't know if you can tell on my face from the whole time you were talking but i was processing a lot as you were talking because originally that was one of my favorite scenes of the movie just to show like the hard work and dedication that goes into making these incredible athletes and the pushing to the extreme and then i was thinking about how it related back to funnily enough my gymnastics experience i remember one particular day we just got done with our three hour practices six to nine pm and our coach was not satisfied with the way that we had been training for those three hours so she decides that we have to start running laps so it's up a flight of stairs across this area down a flight of stairs in a loop around the whole gym on repeat on repeat on repeat on repeat on repeat i don't know how many times we were running it was like going on forever and i'm getting to a point where i have to get my inhaler and i'm like using my inhaler i'm about to barf everywhere and like p everyone's red redder than tomatoes you know we are done we're all at like this three hour 15 minute mark of training we're hungry we're tired and eventually when the coaches told her like okay they're done they need to stop they need to rest and i remember seeing everyone that was on my team the next day at school and we're all walking around like we're these zombies and like our legs are so sore and our bodies are so sore and then you're talking about athlete a and why do we have that mindset because in that day it was like oh yeah well that's just what happens that's what athletes do that's how we train and so that's the same mindset i was thinking of when i was watching this scene like yes train them harder train them harder and for the reality of it like maybe that is exactly what made them be able to win the medal when they did but also you're right like maybe they should have been able to have water maybe they shouldn't be about to throw up everywhere on the ice but i remember too in that scene like other times he asked the players who are you who do you play for and i'd be like my name's hannah i play for university of north dakota and he'd be like who are you who do you play for and finally when the players goes i don't remember his name mike eruzione and he goes who do you play for and he goes the united states of america and that's practice is done yeah that's what he was looking for he didn't want the divided team he didn't want the players saying they played for their hometowns you play for usa now you are one team you work together for the one common goal and that's what he was looking for right and i'm not saying that you should never push yourself to your limits or that your coach shouldn't you know there are times when you need to be punisher there are people where that mentality really works for them is you know being punished in this type of way but i my biggest thing was there's no water breaks and they're heaving and he's still like go right and coach patrick is all of us in that scene because he is just like and it almost feels like he has no power like he can't say no he can't say anything and it just shows the power dynamic of herb being like the one in charge which he is he's the head coach but that's why you have an assistant coach and a doctor and a line of command because you need people to check in on you and so you don't get power hungry and i don't mind if people run you know the the back and forth things and stuff and that you know there should be a way to be able to push you to get your all and there are things that get people in the right mindset i just want it to be pushed to the limit and not passed it and hurt people because they really i'm just saying they could have all gotten so injured because i remember just in seventh grade we did yeah i was in middle school track practice and they weren't pushing us to our limits like in a negative way or anything but i did like 70 squats within two hours which was a lot for my body and me because each we had stations that we had to go to and each one was working on a different thing and they didn't really communicate with each other very well and no one was correcting form i strained one of my quad muscles because of this and that's yeah an untrained athlete doing 70 squats within two hours that's not a lot and that's not you know that strenuous but these people were forced to go at a super fast speed go stop go stop go stop and like pushing they could have strained something they could have pulled something they could have tripped and fallen and someone could have skated over part of their body like and really hurt someone i mean that's all i'm thinking of this is like from that perspective and yes it is one of the best scenes in the movie when you just watch it and it works so well climactically and then like the other part of me is like i feel so bad so it's so hard like i'm not saying it shouldn't be in the movie i'm not saying he shouldn't have done that and look he probably did allow them to have water breaks i don't know what the real herb did i wasn't there but it was intense and i did like it in the movie it was intense and then eventually they make it into the olympic games and they play the soviets for well it's not the gold medal because it's the it's the game before the gold medal round and i have it written down as a silver medal game and maybe that's true someone i don't know though because one of the losers say the gold medal game be that i don't know i don't get how it works i think the loser of the gold gold medal round gets silver because they won the same amount of games minus one you know they have to win the right amount to get to the gold medal round then they plead each other and they only have lost one game whereas the third place people have lost two or whatever at this point well anyway they end up winning that game against the soviet union and it was like the that's one part that's actual dialogue from the real game when we hear do you believe in miracles the announcer that is actually from the olympics him for real saying that oh they use the actual recording that's so cool i love when that happens you know they put in real moments but this was a really long part of the movie like i had to stop and there was still 20 minutes left of the movie and we were just on the third period of the of this game you know not the final game the miracle game though because this team is all like 40 year old men who have been playing some of them with each other for 15 years and they're professionals in their sport whereas in the united states if you were a professional you couldn't qualify for the olympics during this year and what i love so much and i talked about it in instagram live is watching high school and college athletes compete is so much more interesting and emotional than watching professional athletes compete because they want it so much more because they're not at that level yet they're not professionals and so at the end of this movie they actually say something like you know now we this was one of the last teams that was like not comprised of like the professional athletes you know now we have dream teams and stuff like that but how can it really be a dream if you know and comparing it to this miracle on ice team and things like that i don't know it just the the last little speech is just so beautiful and it really really resonated with what i agreed with in it so that's what i i liked about that end and that game even though i knew the outcome when like mike eruzione who was my favorite player he was like not the best but he was one of the best for like team circumstances like bringing them together and whatnot he when he scored a goal i almost cried like in that final game i was like not mike eruzione like i loved him rizzo was what he was called and he was the captain and it just really it showed that herb does look at who is doing the best for the circumstances instead of like i don't know you see all of those teams that are like just putting in certain people whether it's like because their parents pay the most for the booster club they are the parent of the kid or whatever you've seen it and like oh your kid gets cut or is on the bench and isn't a starter because of like political reasons within the team and it's like this this really proved that there is a way to coach and it doesn't have to have any bias and you can create a team that actually likes each other and likes the coach and is a family like they literally said that in this movie they are a family and they aren't mad about someone starting in someone not starting you know like they understand what they're there to do and they end up trusting herb so much that they don't question a lot of the situations except for the one which was when they brought in that random guy and i don't know if he did it just to tick him off and just to make them feel like a team or if he really thought like i need to bring in this guy before he like goes pro because he's going to give us a chance to win i don't know did you look that up and find out if that do you have an idea i didn't look that up but i have a feeling it was to get his players to know that

like he'll do what it takes and i don't think he actually would have gotten through with it having that guy on though i think he's just doing it to amp them up like there was also a speech he made in the locker room that coach patrick was trying not to laugh about because then herb walks out and he's like well that'll amp him up or whatever he said um because he basically wants to make them so mad that they're just gonna play their best kind of is what it seems um and that's yeah i think that was during the czechoslovakia game because they were losing or something in the half or not at the half they don't haves at the end of one of the two first two periods and he like really was just laying into them i think it was the one with the guy that hurt his ankle and with that quote that you don't remember at all and then he says something like play on one leg and he's like what you want me to do play on one leg and he calls him a candy ass and then yeah and then he leaves mm-hmm yeah that was that was good and i don't mind that like getting them angry you know i don't think that was wrong by any means of him doing things like that um i have one more fun fact that i know yes and then tell me any of the real versus movie if you have any of that um a fun fact is that this movie had 280 miles worth of film that was shot

that's a lot of film i would not want to be an editor of this movie um couldn't pay me enough to edit this as far as the real versus um movie like i already said most of it is accurate to actual events and the things that are different are just minor like how they did do those drills after that game but they didn't happen exactly like that went down like he stopped them earlier or i can't remember there was a zamboni cleaner that came in or something i was like nah you guys gotta leave but otherwise everything was like pretty pretty accurate just right now i thought of a quote that i liked in the movie uh it's the night before the game against the soviet union in the olympics and herb and his wife are getting hot chocolate they're sitting on a bench and i don't remember what she asks him maybe something like do you think they're gonna win and he says i want them to if they look back on this in 20 years be able to know that they gave it their all and that was like all that he was caring about at this point was i want them to know that they did their best and they tried their hardest yeah it was the important thing is those 20 boys in 20 years knowing that they left nothing on the table and that was something my dad always would tell me before every race you know like you don't want to leave anything left inside of you you want to leave it all on the course or all on the track and stuff like that and i honestly could probably only think of very few times even when i ran the fastest i've ever ran and like qualified for state with like a wicked crazy time even then like i don't think i left it all on the course or on the track you know like there are very few times where i know i pushed myself so hard that i couldn't have gone like one second faster isn't crazy and i was competitive like i got more competitive up like my senior year i was probably the most competitive i've ever been in cross country but like i don't i was never at like these boys points where this is actually a true story as well going back to the lamoureux twins one of them and i don't remember which one it was whoever was the faster of the twins ran this race and at the end like threw up and like passed out or something and had to go to the hospital and the coach was calling their dad from the hospital and was telling it about it he asked like did she win or did she do really well though and he was like the coach was like yeah and he goes well then good that's fine like not concerned at all that she was in the hospital not like that he didn't care about his kid but like he's like that's my girl that's it you know so i always thought that was really funny i've never had a moment i think like that where you felt like you literally couldn't give it anymore yeah like i've been dog tired you know probably couldn't have run any faster but it was like because i did something wrong like at the beginning of the race maybe i went out too fast like i've never had a mo like the perfect race where i ran it as perfectly as i could and then like kicked it and just left it all you know i did think about which what was it it was a 5k and i started at a great pace and i knew what pace i was going at and i just like miscalculated how far i was from the finish line really and so i started kicking it i swear when i had half a mile left and anyone who knows was running like you probably don't want to start kicking it a half mile because that's like a little far and i was like kicking it and when i and then i was like even harder right towards that finish line when i got through i immediately had to sit down i was so sick like i was sure i was gonna throw up like i was like i can't get up and walk i could not even drink a sip of water because at that moment like my body could not take anything in i just had to not move and i was so nauseous and i was like there's literally no way i could have gone any faster i could that's amazing i've ran two races that were the exact same course they were like in town just like 5ks one was the firecracker and then a month later was the diva dash um and both of them were the exact same course okay on the greenway and i kind of knew where the half mile mark was and actually like the half mile is probably a really good place to start kicking it in for a longer round maybe it was a mile for me i don't know yeah no i mean like but a half mile is really long especially for people who aren't years into their running career you know so i knew like that there's in each of those two races there's someone i was competing against and running right behind the whole time and i'd come up behind right next to him every once while but i would like run right with them or right behind him the whole time and there's this one spot and i figured these two people would probably start kicking it at the half mile mark but if i started kicking it maybe at the like i don't know 800 meters is you know half a mile if i start at like the thousand or like 1100 meter mark out that i could get a couple good like 100 yards on them before the finish and then like start my real kick maybe like 600 500 yards out and both times i beat the person because i started kicking earlier and it wasn't too early because i wasn't like sprinting like you probably were like as fast as you can also like some of those 5k races especially like road races and stuff like the finish looks a lot closer than it is like even if it's a straight away or like you know it's like a turn and you can like see it over there you just have to do a turn and go mine was a turn it's a lie it's all yeah if you know in town where choices so like they have you finish on that long road and i started kicking it right after um because you will turn left onto that long road to choice from i don't even know what the streets called but you would like it's kind of curvy it goes by townhouses and so it's like right after i passed the townhouses and i could see the finish line that's when i started to kick it so for all i know is longer than half a mile but i was like oh god i might as well just die um one of the last things i want to bring up is that at the end of this movie they tell us where all these people are right now or where what happened after the movie right where they went and it's so funny you can tell these are real hockey boys like obviously they're like real hockey players because the three most common things that they all went into was coaching slash other you know hockey related things finance or business and real estate which i'm not saying any of those are bad paths but like if you just think about like any hockey boys you knew growing up like they all probably majored in business and college you know or marketing and stuff like that which is just like funny to me that that's like the stereotypical thing that sports players go into and then coaching because i mean if i was that i would love to go into coaching afterwards you know i mean like it seems very fun but there were three that stood out to me a lot more than the rest of them and they were mostly like the non as active in the movie players um one of them i don't know the name of but bill baker became an oral surgeon

okay go off um neil broten was a horse rancher horses rancher and then another person that i don't remember the name of became an airline pilot which i'm like oh my gosh these people got some interesting lives but it was so funny going like finance finance coaching finance real estate finance just made me laugh honestly because they were just like predictable at that point that's great and then they say that herb never got to watch the movie but he lived it so he died when filming started filming yeah or like when it in the middle of it because he saw filming some of it but he didn't see once it was edited put together or whatever but overall i'd say it's a good movie i think everyone should watch it um i definitely got my tissues out for this one i was like this is so good like happy tears for these people even though i've seen this movie before i knew what was gonna happen i also knew the story like that they would win anyway it's also called miracle what do you expect and i still was crying it gets ya but yeah i think that's everything i have to say on this movie do you have anything else to say rachel no i'm good i'll go through our social medias and get that done so if you want to follow us on the instagram we got our instagram lives back baby go look at yesterday's or whatever day you're watching this go look at november's we did a mcfarland usa collab again with prairie track and field podcast they were fantastic guests um you can follow us on instagram then and see all of that at youtalkintome.podcast which i know you guys are also used to getting sneak peeks of the next month's movies and as this is the last of this months normally we would give you a little sneak peek but it's the holiday season baby each week's gonna be like a little gift a little surprise think of it as like you're opening your own advent calendar okay what what you're expecting might be what you get but it's a surprise to all of you we do have at least one special guest next month and i will give you that and that is all so keep an eye out for that you can watch those on our youtube channel or you can listen on pretty much any podcast platform i mean you're already listening on this one whichever one that may be but we are everywhere so if you want youtube and video though subscribe to that channel hit the notification bell so that you never miss out on one of our episodes you can also follow us on twitter at youtalkintome11 because we're both number one and email us suggestions you know our months aren't all planned out people you can come and give us some movie themed suggestions email us those email us questions that you have anything man not anything like be reasonable please but email us at yes thank you for that rachel and with that my name is hannah and i'm rachel and this was the you talkin' to me? podcast bye

*outro music*

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