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Tropical Leaves

SEO Work

I interned for a website called for a bit. There, I produced articles about the cannabis industry. Below are a few samples of my writing. 


"Magic Mushrooms" might be safer than weed

After a phase, I clinical trial, psilocybin, more commonly known as “magic mushrooms,” was found to be “incredibly safe” for humans.

Weed reduces the use of alcohol and painkillers

A study found evidence that legal cannabis use reduces rates of alcohol and prescription drug use.


CBD Pet Care Line Launches

New Coastal launches a line of organic CBD pet care products. With a variety of flavors and potencies, there are options for lots of pets.

Weed 101: Understanding Cannabis Terpenes

Have you ever wondered what made your weed smell the way it does? Or taste citrusy?


It has to do with terpenes.

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